REMSA Member Midwest Mole Hosts Congressman Greg Pence
GREENFIELD, IN - Yesterday, Congressman Greg Pence (R-Indiana) joined the Railway Engineering-Maintenance Suppliers Association (REMSA) and its member Midwest Mole to tour their headquarters in Greenfield, IN. Congressman Pence spoke with company leaders, employees, and rail industry representatives about transportation infrastructure and the short line tax credit. REMSA coordinated the event.
Congressman Greg Pence with REMSA Government Affairs Manager Jacob Carter
First elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 2018, Congressman Pence serves on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, where he sits on the Subcommittee on Railroads and oversees the economic and safety regulation of freight and passenger railroads. Notably, he is the older brother of United States Vice President Mike Pence.
"I am truly grateful to Midwest Mole for giving me the opportunity to come and meet the team," Congressman Pence said. "We enjoyed a great discussion centered around priorities that will continue to make our economy even stronger. I am a proud cosponsor of the BRACE Act, which would make permanent the short line tax credit. The hardworking Hoosiers at Midwest Mole also understand that it is critical that Congress enact the USMCA. Meetings like these are invaluable as I represent the Sixth District of Indiana in Washington, D.C. Thank you to everyone at Midwest Mole."
Congressman Greg Pence speaks with employees at Midwest Mole
Midwest Mole is a responsive, innovative and dependable trenchless technology company that specializes in railroad construction services, shaft installations, hydro-excavations, heavy transportation and open cut services. Midwest Mole has decades of experience performing construction management services for Class 1 and short line railroads, providing safe and cost-effective solutions for railway drainage installations for more than 30 years. From repairing or replacing existing drainage structures to installing new storm water systems, Midwest Mole has an unmatched fleet of equipment to perform all facets of railway drainage construction.
"Midwest Mole would like to thank Congressman Pence for visiting our office in Greenfield, IN," said Midwest Mole's Railroad Division Manager. "It was a pleasure to have the opportunity for us to show our Congressman who Midwest Mole is and what it is we do. As a contractor who works on many facets of our infrastructure, what happens in Washington directly impacts us here in Indiana. We work on rail projects and other infrastructure projects throughout the country. When we have a strong economy and a strong rail industry, we are able to provide our services throughout the country and in turn offer employment to people here in Indiana and other areas of the Midwest."
Congressman Pence visits Midwest Mole's headquarters in Greenfield, Indiana
As a member of the Railroads Subcommittee, Congressman Pence has direct oversight of the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) and the Surface Transportation Board (STB). The FRA is responsible for administering and overseeing railroad safety laws and railroad infrastructure and development programs, while the STB has broad economic regulatory oversight of railroads. Congressman Pence also serves on the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Before being elected to Congress, Pence was a Marine officer and small businessman who still owns and operates antique malls in southern Indiana.
Congressman Pence Speaks with Midwest Mole CEO Dan Liotti and
Railroad Division Manager David Howell
Attendees thanked Congressman Pence for being a cosponsor of H.R.510, the Building Rail Access for Customers and the Economy (BRACE) Act. The BRACE Act would make the short line tax credit permanent and allow the nation's small, local freight railroads to increase investment into their rail infrastructure and better serve their customers throughout rural and small-town America. The tax credit has helped small railroads invest more than $4 billion in capital infrastructure improvements since it was enacted in 2005.
"The short line railroad tax credit allows short lines to invest more of their own capital in rail improvements and maintenance to provide ever-safer and more robust service capabilities for their customers," said Chuck Baker, President of the American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association (ASLRRA). "ASLRRA thanks Congressman Pence for supporting this important issue and being a friend to short line railroads all across Indiana."
In Indiana, 41 freight railroads operate and maintain over 3,800 miles of track, employing nearly 6,000 people.